Friday, 15 October 2010
Cervical Hostility Towards Sperm and What You Can Do About It
There are a lot of things within the woman’s body that may be unfriendly to male sperm including cervical mucus. While cervical mucus is intended by nature to work as a guide, helping push sperm along through the vagina and into the cervix and beyond, as well as offer important nutrients to give the sperm the energy it needs for the long journey ahead, in some cases it can actually work against the sperm it is intended to help.
In some cases, a woman’s cervical mucus can actually go on the attack, killing sperm before it ever has a chance to make it to the awaiting egg. This is called Cervical Hostility.
When this problem arises, a man’s sperm is unable to penetrate the cervix and therefore a pregnancy becomes impossible. So, what causes the female body to become so hostile to the one thing she needs to fulfill her dream of motherhood?
Here are a few common things that may induce cervical hostility:
An infection in the lower reproductive tract. This can cause the vaginal fluids to become tainted, killing or otherwise damaging sperm as they enter the vaginaToo many anti-sperm antibodies in the cervical mucus. When activated, these antibodies actually work to immobilize sperm, preventing any from entering the cervix. A poor, acidic diet. Healthy cervical mucous is alkaline in nature. To have a more alkaline cervical mucous eat a diet high in vegetables and stay away from processed foods, soda, meat, dairy and sugar.Cervical mucous that is too thick or scanty. If the cervical mucous is too thick it will be hard for the sperm to travel. If the cervical mucous is scanty or not present it will also be impossible for the sperm to make its way to the egg.
If you suspect cervical mucus hostility as a cause for your infertility, there are some ways to test for it. You can have your doctor remove a sample of cervical mucus 8-12 hours after intercourse for closer examination. This will help show the physicians the degree of penetration of the sperm.
If more than 20 actively moving sperm are found per field, cervical hostility is not a concern. If there is less, than further testing is needed to determine if the woman’s body is indeed attacking her partner’s sperm. If so, there are several options available:
-An herbal blend such as Women’s Best Friend may help to clear up any lingering infections.
-FertileCM may be used to help thin the cervical mucus and make it more manageable and friendly as well as promote the production of cervical mucous if it is scanty.
-Systemic enzymes have been used successfully in cases where there is an immunological attack on the sperm.
-If your cervical mucous is thin or scant you can also use a sperm friendly lubricant such as Pre-Seed which has been specially and scientifically designed to mimic the cervical mucous while not harming sperm.
- Diet and proper supplementation can also make a difference. Cervical mucous should be more alkaline, so eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables helps to keep the body healthy and more alkaline. Foods such as meats, processed foods, dairy and sodas cause the body to become more acidic. In addition keeping hydrated and drinking 8 glasses of water a day will help to provide the body with enough water to produce cervical mucous in addition to its other millions of processes it uses water for every day.
-IUI and IVF: Intrauterine insemination and IVF can be used if the cervical hostility can not be sufficiently treated. The procedures allow pregnancy to occurs by bypassing the vagina but are very expensive with a low success rate (15-30%) and require a lot of hormone medications.
-Steroid treatments may help stop antisperm antibodies from developing in the first place. One warning here though: they can cause serious side effects in some women.
Cervical mucus hostility is often one of the last things tested for in infertile women, yet it can be quite common among infertile couples. Be sure to check for this common affliction if your doctor has been unable to find another cause for your inability to get pregnant.
View the original article here
Do You Know How to Eat for Fertility? Here are My Top 10 Fertility Diet Tips…
“A human being is made up of roughly 63% water, 22% protein, 13% fat, 2% minerals & vitamins. Every single molecule comes from the food you eat and water you drink…” – Patrick Holford… Founder of the Institute for Optimum NutritionDiet plays such an important role in health that it has always been my first question and answer when clients ask me how to heal this, or help with that. When it comes to fertility and pregnancy it is of the up-most importance to eat a healthy whole food diet. Everything you eat and drink has an impact on your health and the health of your baby. Pre-conception nutrition is important not only to make sure you are prepared for a healthy pregnancy, but to also avoid many fertility issues. Here are some of my top tips on eating a healthy fertility diet…
1. Eat as many raw fruits and vegetables a day as you can – at least 5 servings of veggies and 3-4 servings of fruit. General serving size is one small peach or 1/2C of veggies. Here are some ideas to get enough fruits and veggies into your diet daily:
Eat fruits as snacks in between mealsEat a large salad as one of your mealsMake sure 50% of your plate is veggiesEat a dark leafy green with dinnerDrink fertility smoothiesDrink fresh vegetable juices daily
2. If you eat animal protein focus more on cold water fish instead of beef or chicken. Fish are abundant in omega 3 fatty acids which are essential in a fertility and pregnancy diet. If you are vegetarian in addition to eating beans and lentils daily add some nuts from tip #3 to get Omega 3 daily.
3. Eat 1 heaping teaspoon of ground seed or 1T of seed oil (such as hemp or flax) a day. This will assure that you are eating some essential fatty acids every day. Seeds high in Omega 3 are: flax, hemp, pumpkin, walnut. Seeds high in Omega 6 are: sunflower and sesame.
4. Eat 3-4 serving of WHOLE grains a day. Quinoa, millet, oats and rice are some of my favorites. Amongst many things, whole grains supply B vitamins and fiber which are both essential for a healthy fertility and pregnancy diet. Try to mix it up and eat a wide variety of while grains and avoid processed grains.
5. Drink 8 glasses of clean water a day (reverse osmosis or spring water being the best). Avoid bottled water as the plastics leach estrogen-mimicing chemicals into the water). One tip is to start the day with a quart of water with lemon in it and drink as much as you can upon rising and finish the rest in the next half an hour. That will take care of half of your water for the day and help the body to gently cleanse itself in the morning.
6. Avoid food that is burnt, fried, browned, has hydrogenated oils, saturated animal fats and microwaved foods. These types of cooking and ingredients can cause the body to create free radicals which can negatively affect cell DNA. The key to healthy ova (egg) and sperm is intact DNA. If the DNA has been impaired by free radical damage is one cause of miscarriages, blight ovum and inability to get pregnant.
7. Avoid sugar and sweeteners in all forms – white sugar, high fructose corn syrup, etc. Sugar negatively effects the blood sugar levels which can effect hormonal balance and ovulation. A great alternative is stevia.
8. Avoid alcohol on a daily basis and keep the coffee down to one cup or even better quit all together. I like Cafix, it is a great coffee alternative that satiates the coffee taste buds.
9. Take a whole food multivitamin DAILY. When trying to conceive or in preparation it is best to use a whole food prenatal multivitamin that contains folic acid, iron, zinc, b12, and vitamin C… nutrients that are necessary for a healthy pregnancy before you are even pregnant.
10. Drink a fresh juice or make a smoothie daily. Juices and smoothies are a great way to get a huge amount of nutrients in an easy to assimilate form.
If you would like to learn more about eating a natural fertility diet check out these resources:
The Natural Fertility Diet
21 Day Fertility Diet Challenge
Fertility Smoothies for Optimal Health
View the original article here
Fertility Secrets is a Popular Guide to Self Help Fertility Treatment
Check it out!
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Is a Procreation Vacation a Vacation?
These fertility-focused vacations are becoming quite popular. Some are aimed towards the fertile (as far as they know) crowd: couples who want a baby, and want to make the conception memorable. Or, according to this must-see video at, couples who want to not just make conception-night special, but are aiming for a particular due date.
Other fertility-focused vacations are aimed at the infertile couple. The vacation may include acupuncture treatments, massage, "fertility diet" foods, and that sort of thing.
Maybe I'm cynical, or maybe I'm thinking about this from the perspective someone who tried "to just relax" without success - but how can a procreation vacation be a vacation?
Vacations are for letting your hair down, hangin' out in the sun (or skiing down some slopes), and eating out at fancy restaurants, tie required of course. Vacations are for cuddling all morning, followed by breakfast in bed, and a show that night.
Vacations are for getting away from the stress. Not bringing it with you.
To me, personally, a vacation that focuses on conception is not a vacation. A pricey vacation that can "fail", if it doesn't end with a positive pregnancy test, hardly sounds like a relaxing adventure.
It also sort of reminds me of how unromantic it became to hear the words, "Let's make a baby," right before sex. After months (and years) of trying, that might be the biggest turn off possible.
For the couples without fertility issues, who think they are going to get the birthday or month they want, I can't help but smirk. Good luck on that. Even fertile couples do not have a 100% chance of success in any given month.
Even if you think you have timed it all perfectly, and you get pregnant when you planned, and your due date does fall on your dreamed birthday -- you still are unlikely to have a baby that day. Babies rarely arrive on a schedule.
I will say this: procreation vacations are great for the hotel industry. As a marketing scheme, it's an awesome idea. But for the couples that give out the big bucks for this baby-making mission? I don't know...
I just feel like focusing a vacation on "procreating", or even making it your mission to relax, is missing the point. I think it'd be more appropriate to offer fertility retreats. The goal would not be to conceive that month, or "relax more to increase fertility", but instead, it'd serve as a get away from all the stress and pressure that comes with trying to conceive.
It other words, it would just be a vacation. From everything - even from the babymaking!
What do you think? Do you think a vacation that focuses on relaxing, or conceiving, could really be a good vacation? Would you go on one? Please leave your comment below!
Hat Tip: To The Fertility Advocate, whose post on Procreation Vacations got me thinking.
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View the original article here
A Clomid Primer
Starting Clomid can be an exciting time. It can also be a bit nerve wracking. Often it's something tried at the beginning of fertility treatment, which means there's a whole lot of hope along with a whole lot of questions.
I remember way, way back in 2004 when I first tried Clomid. At that point, I was being treated by a gynecologist, and had not moved onto a reproductive endocrinologist (otherwise known as a fertility doctor.) I was so hopeful it would work out. And while I did get pregnant, I ended up miscarrying.
Clomid wasn't the solution for me, but it is the solution for many infertile couples with ovulation problems or unexplained infertility. It may be your golden ticket to pregnancy.
Here are plenty of articles about Clomid, with answers to common questions:
Are you starting Clomid? If yes, be sure to share with us how you feel about getting started on Clomid here. (You can also read what others felt regarding Clomid treatment.)
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Learn how to eat for fertility? Here are my top 10 fertilizer power Tips...
"A human being is composed of approximately 63% water, 22% protein, 13% of fat, 2% minerals and vitamins." Each single molecule comes from the food you eat and you drink... of water "-Patrick Holford..." Optimum Nutrition Institute founderPower plays an important role in health it has always been my first question and answer when clients ask me how this cure or help with that. When it comes to fertility and pregnancy, is the importance above to eat a whole food healthy food. Everything you eat and drink has an impact on your health and your baby's health status.Nutrition project is significant not only to ensure that you are ready for a healthy pregnancy, but also to avoid many problems of fertilité.Voici some of my top tips on a diet... of healthy fertility eating
1. Eat as much raw fruits and vegetables every day you can - at least 5 servings of vegetables and 3 to 4 servings of fruit General portions is a small peach or 1/2 C légumes.Voici a few ideas to get enough fruits and vegetables in your diet:
Eat fruit as a snack between mealsEat a great salad as one of your mealsMake that 50% of the base is veggiesEat a papery dark green with fertility smoothiesDrink dinnerDrink fresh juice from vegetables daily
2. If you eat animal to focus more on fish cold-water instead of beef or chicken protein. Fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential in a regime of fertility and pregnancy.If you are vegetarian to eat beans and lentils daily add some nuts peak # 3 for daily Omega 3.
3 Eat 1 tsp heaping seed ground or numbers of oil seeds (such as hemp or flax) a day.This will ensure that you are eating all day to certain essential fatty acids.Rich in omega 3 seeds are: flax, hemp, pumpkin, the noyer.Riches in omega 6 seeds are: sunflower and sesame.
4 Eat cereal portion of 3-4 in any one day.Quinoa, millet, oats and rice are some of my many things favoris.Parmi, whole grains provide optical fibre and B vitamins that are essential for a healthy diet of fertility and pregnancy.Try to mix and eat a wide variety of all-grain and avoid processed grains.
5 Drink 8 glasses of water a day (reverse osmosis or being the best spring water).(Avoid as chemical products then estrogen-mimicing plastic bottled water in the water).A Council is start the day with a quarter of water with lemon in it and drink as much as you can in the climb and finish the rest in the next half an hour.Who will take care of half of your water for the day and help the body to gently cleanse the morning.
6 Avoid foods that are burnt, fries, toast, have hydrogenated oils, animal fat, saturated and express food in the microwave.These types of kitchen and ingredients can cause body create free radicals which may adversely affect the DNA cell.The key to healthy ova (eggs) and semen is DNA intact.Si DNA was brought by the damage of free radicals cause miscarriages, irritating ovum and inability to obtain speakers is.
7 Avoid sugar and sweeteners in all its forms-white sugar, syrup high fructose, corn etc.Effects negatively sugar blood sugar levels to best hormonal balance and ovulation .an excellent alternative is stevia.
8 Avoid alcohol on a daily basis and keep the coffee to a cup or even better quit all together.I like Cafix, it's a great coffee alternative that satiates the taste buds of coffee.
9 Take a food multivitamin set DAILY.When you try to design or in preparation, it is better to use a prenatal multivitamin whole foods containing acid folic, iron, zinc, b12 and vitamin c nutrients that are necessary for a healthy pregnancy even before you're pregnant.
10 Drinking a fresh juice or make an everyday smoothie.Juices and smoothies are an excellent way to get a huge amount of nutrients in an easy to understand form.
If you want to learn more about natural power of fertility see the following resources:
The diet of natural fertility
Regime fertilization day challenge 21
Fertility Smoothies because for optimal health
View the original article here
Monday, 11 October 2010
When if you stop taking plant fertility?
“Should I take this herb/supplement all month long?”“Should I stop taking this herb/supplement during my period?”“Can I take my fertility herbs while I am on the Fertility Cleanse?”“When should I stop taking fertility herbs and supplements?”“Which herbs/supplements can I take or stop once I get pregnant?”
There seems to be much confusion about when to take fertility herbs and when not to. I hope this post helps to clear up any question you have and empower you to listen to your body and see what is right for you.
I think one of the reasons it can be confusing is because of how the hormonal system works. During part of the month one hormone is high and during another it drops and a different hormone is high. It is an intricate symphony of hormones and reactions. Hormones acting as the conductor, letting the body know when to release the egg, start growing the lining or when to start the period.
Many herbs that are used to help promote and support fertility have some effect on the endocrine system. For example Vitex is a popular and effective herb that nourishes and helps the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis. Through this it has been shown to increase progesterone, lengthen a short leutal phase, and boost overall fertility. The actions of the herbs and supplements must be taken into account when determining how they should be used.
In this article I am going to address the top four questions mentioned at the beginning of this article. The range of supplements and herbs mentioned in this article are by no means all of the herbs and supplements out there. I cover the most common herbs and supplements as well as all of the supplements/herbs supported on our website. If you are using a product and are confused about when to use it and if it is safe for pregnancy, contact the manufacturer of that supplement and ask them so you can get the best advice for that particular product.
Should Fertility Supplements and Herbs Be Taken All Month Long?
There is no one answer across the board for all fertility supplements and herbs. Each is used differently and for different reasons. Most Fertility Herbs and Supplements are suggested to be used all month long, for consecutive months for the best results. Instead of going through each and every herb and supplement, I will cover the herbs or supplements that should not to be used all month long and the reason for this.
Evening Primrose Oil – Evening Primrose Oil is a nutritious oil that is traditionally used to help increase cervical mucous. Suggested usage is 1500mg of this oil from day one of your cycle (menstruation) till ovulation. It should not be taken after ovulation as it has been shown to promote contractions of the uterus.
Dong Quai – Dong Quai works by promoting blood flow to the pelvis where it will stimulate an absent or scanty period. It also nourishes the blood (it is in nearly all Chinese herbal blood-building formulas). Treats iron deficiency and anemia. One of the best uses is it helps women who are not menstruating to invite there menstruation back. The increased circulation also helps to strengthen and balance the uterus. In rat studies it has been show to help build the uterus lining.
I generally suggest Dong Quai be used before trying to conceive so one can get the full benefit by taking it all month long except during menstruation. Once the period has come back, then you can focus on trying to conceive. If Dong Quai is being used during the month while trying to conceive, it is best to stop using it once you have ovulated and discontinue use during your period. If Dong Quai is part of a blend it will not be as potent and not have such a strong effect. Dong Quai is a known uterine contractor so it should be avoided if you think you are pregnant, during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.
Progesterone Cream – Progesterone cream is used to help balance estrogen dominance or help with low progesterone issues. Progesterone must be used very specifically so your cycle is helped, not disturbed. Dr John Lee shares that Progesterone cream should only be used after ovulation and discontinued once menstruation has returned. If you find out you are pregnant you should continue on the progesterone and speak with your health care provider right away so your hormone levels can be monitored and progesterone usage adjusted as needed. Stopping progesterone once you are pregnant is dangerous as it may cause your progesterone levels to drop at a time that they should be increasing daily.
If progesterone is used before ovulation it can cause ovulation to be suppressed. Charting is one of the best ways to know when you are ovulating. If you do not have a menstrual cycle or are not ovulating, Dr. Lee suggested to mimic a 28 day cycle by using progesterone cream, helping to jump start the cycle again. You can learn more about progesterone use for fertility here…
Slow Flow – Slow Flow is an herbal formula designed to help a menstrual cycle that is very heavy. Slow Flow uses astringent herbs, uterine tonics and nutrients to support normal menstrual flow, and is to be used on heavy bleeding days. Heavy bleeding is technically defined as having to change protection more than every two hours. Suggested usage for Slow Flow is three capsules every three to four hours during heavy menstrual blood loss. Up to 6 capsules may be taken daily for longer-term management, but no longer than three months. So to reiterate, Slow Flow should only be used during the period.
Should You Take Fertility Herbs or Supplements During Your Period?
Yes and no. It all depends on the herb or supplement you are using. There are herbs and supplements that should NOT be used during your period such as:
Progesterone Cream – Progesterone cream should be discontinued as soon as you get your period. This is a time that the body naturally decreases its progesterone.
Dong Quai – Unless you have a really slow flow or non-existent flow Dong Quai should not be used during menstruation. The reason for this is that Dong Quai increases circulation to the uterus, during menstruation this could cause heavier bleeding than normal.
Vitex – I generally suggest that women stop using vitex during menstruation for two reasons. The first is Vitex supports an increase in progesterone. When the body is preparing to menstruate and during menstruation, progesterone levels decrease. By taking a break from vitex during menstruation, you are supporting the bodies actions of lower progesterone levels. The other reason I suggest to stop Vitex during menstruation is that it is a good time to let the body cleanse itself and re-adjust for the next cycle. It is like taking time off to give the body a rest. But this is not the only way to use vitex, some practitioners suggest for it to be used all month long.
Every herb will react differently for each person. Some women do better by taking herbs all month long, while others benefit from taking a break during their menstrual cycle, giving the body a chance to cleanse itself and rest.
So my answer is go with your intuition and see how it works for you. Yes, I know not very scientific, but there is no one answer fits all. I generally suggest a break during menstruation if you are taking the herbs for months on end, as it is a good idea to give the body a break.
Can I Take My Fertility Herbs While I Am On the Fertility Cleanse?
During the Fertility Cleanse it is best to only be doing the Fertility Cleanse and not using any other fertility herbs. The reason for this is that the Fertility Cleanse is using a blend of many different herbs to help balance and cleanse your body. Adding additional hormonal herbs to this may be too much. There are some exceptions though, if you have been using fertility herbs prior to the Fertility Cleanse, then you may continue using them. Supplements are find during the Fertility Cleanse.
Kits and natural fertility programs are best started directly after the Fertility Cleanse has been completed. On the other hand superfoods can be used during the Fertility Cleanse.
It is best to not try and conceive the month that you are doing the Fertility Cleanse because many of the herbs in phase two and three should not be used while you are pregnant.
When Should I Stop Taking Fertility Herbs and Supplements?
If you are taking hormonal medications, birth control or any other type of medicated hormonal treatment it would be best to not mix them with fertility herbs. We do not know what the effects are since there have been no studies done yet. We do not know if maca or vitex (or other hormonal regulating herbs) will interact negatively with clomid or IVF medications. So to be on the safe side it is best to not mix the two.
If you are going to used medically assisted treatments it is best to only use herbs and supplements in preparation, before hormonal medications and injections are being used. There are a couple of supplements that you will want to talk to your doctor about such as a prenatal multivitamin and essential fatty acids (just to make sure) if you are getting a medically assisted treatment.
Another time to discontinue use of fertility herbs and supplements is once you become pregnant. We go into depth about this in the section that follows.
Which Herbs and Supplements Can I Take or Should I Stop Once I Become Pregnant?
Most fertility herbs and supplements should be discontinued once you find out you are pregnant (this of course is referring to all the herbs and supplements not mentioned above with specific warnings).That means once you take a pregnancy test and get a positive. There are some fertility supplements and herbs that could be used during pregnancy under the guidance of a health practitioner or doctor who is familiar with these therapies such as:
Prenatal Multivitamin (100% whole food)Essential Fatty Acids (especially DHA – very important to a developing fetus)Progesterone CreamMacaSystemic Enzymes
When it comes to pregnancy it is best and safest to focus on eating an incredibly healthy diet. This is the safest and most important way to provide nourishment, present and future health for your growing baby.
I hope this article helped to clear up some of the questions you may have had. When in doubt, just ask the manufacturer of the product you are using and they can let you know how to correctly use the product and if it is safe for pregnancy.
View the original article here
Facebook Fertility Pages You Should Like
But you can add some fertility friendly (and infertility compassionate) voices to your news feed.
First, add us! You can now "like" Fertility on Facebook. I try to post new blogs, articles, and reader stories when I can, and you may even get to read them before they hit my newsletter. I don't post too often, so don't worry -- your news feed won't get overwhelmed.
After you've liked us, I recommend a few other fertility friendly facebook pages:
For a laugh, be sure to like 999 Reasons to Laugh About Infertility. Some of her posts made me cry, I laughed so hard.
For support and advocacy specifically targeted for the African-American community, like The Broken Brown Egg. (This is not just for African-Americans though! Whatever the color of your skin, I highly recommend liking the Broken Brown Egg! Always good articles and interesting discussion there.)
Are you a member of the Silent Sorority? That is to say, couples who remain childless after infertility? Be sure to connect on Facebook to this? very much needed resource.
And last, but not least, make sure you like RESOLVE's facebook page. RESOLVE, the National Infertility Association, will keep you up-to-date on advocacy news, and of course share fertility tips and coping resources.
Is there a fertility friendly facebook page or person you'd like to recommend? I know there are many more. Please share in the comments below the name and link, so people can find them and "like" 'em!
PS. Don't forget to like us before you go!
View the original article here
5 Ways to take charge of your fertility.
One of the most powerful tools of fertility is you yourself and one of the most powerful things you can do to boost your fertility is to personally handle your fertility. Think about it, you are the one who has strong desire for a child, you are the one that goes through your monthly cycle, and you alone who can make the biggest difference in your fertility. You can support your fertility, but you don't have to do it alone, we are here to help. Through this article I share with you 5 ways to support your own fertility starting today.
1 Educate. you and ask questions
The first key to support your fertility is to educate yourself. Discover everything you can about your body, work, menstrual cycle when ovulation occurs, etc. If you have a fertility problem learn everything you can on the imbalance and what are your options.
Another way to learn as much as you can is to ask some questions.If you work with a health care practitioner ask questions if you don't understand something. Find out what they give you all options causes and what are the risks/benefits. Because ultimately, you are one who takes the final decision and decisions are easier when you have as much information as you can get.
Make sure you only answer your questions, inform your /doctor practitioner before consulting that you will need some time set side that you have some questions. Come with currently written questions were noted those extra from the consultation. If you do not have access to a natural practitioner near you, you can book a consultation fertility email online with one of our herbalists to help you the natural fertility issues and suggestions.
2 Get completed test
If you tried to get pregnant for about a year and still no success, test would be the next step. Testing helps you identify why a problems there may be to begin to do something about them.There are different types of tests that can be made, this list is not exhaustive, but here are the most courantes.Pas all these tests are necessary for everyone.Ask your doctor those that first, or testing may apply to you. :
Hormone testing - test to see where your progesterone, estrogen levels are testosterone hormones can help give you site why many women cannot get pregnant or maintain a pregnancy.One of fertility problems more common that see us regularly is low progesterone or some type of hormonal imbalance.Herbs and natural therapies have been very successful in helping to correct hormonal imbalance.
Semen test - low sperm counts or sperm abnormalities can also prevent a grossesse.Obtenir semen analysis is one of the simplest and fastest fertility disponibles.Il are many male fertility supplements and herbs that can be used to help the product body more healthy sperm cells thus increase the number if it is determined that the counts are low.
Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) - this is a test to see if the fallopian tubes are blocked. A small amount of dye is injected into the fallopian tubes through the neck of the uterus.An x-ray is then used to see if dye flows freely through tubes or whether there are blockages of nay.According to evil how harm is and where the blockages are located natural therapies correctly were used to help dissolve and decompose adhesion in the fallopian tubes.
Nutritional profile test - test for nutritional deficiencies can be useful during the creation of a feeding program and that is specific to your needs and the corps.Nombreuses nutrition nutritional deficiencies can cause imbalances of fertility as a lack of rules or ovulation.
Ask your doctor about all your options for testing there are numerous.
3 Eat right for fertilization
One of the first things that we are working on unique with each of our customers is their power. Everything that you eat and drink as well as the things that you can avoid can have a significant impact on your fertility. Nutrition is what builds, fuels and runs our cells. YOU are the only person who chooses what happens in your body and that you avoid .the ' power in support of your fertility is also responsible for your choice and the best choice, you can every day.
To learn how to eat a healthy diet for fertility, click here, or join our 21 days fertilizer supply challenge.
4. Take a step Everyday
There are many things you can do naturally and little expenses that can help you increase your fertilité.Une of the best ways to support your fertility is to do something every day for your fertilité.Si who drinks a smoothie fertility, fertility clean, applying the fertility naturally or with herbs, massage step daily to your system reproduction.La key that I've found success in everything you want to accomplish is to keep moving forward, step by step.
5 Know your cycle and administration
Something very important fertility is know and track the easiest way to do this fertilité.Un cycle is graphics of the fertilité.Il just one minute, each morning to take your temperature increase and write it in a the first graphique.Après cycle you begin to see a pattern and discover your cycle.Vous length can learn fertility graphics here...
Here are some things to know your body which tell it much about your state of health of fertility:
What color is your menstruation?It is thick, should I feed?do you ovulate? how do you know what?is your cervical mucus proper consistency?do you get PMS?How do you feel after you eat certain foods?to you drink enough water?do feel you rested every day after you wake up?do feel you constantly stressed?When you know your body and what is your cycle as you can see then how herbs or therapies to examine .you will find this guide menstrual herbal help helpful at this stage.
Only will be taken in charge of your fertility more enjoyable travel brand, it will also improve your réussite.veuillez rate share with us in some way, you've supported your fertility today?
Sunday, 10 October 2010
New Study Connects Stress to Infertility? Not Quite.
The article then goes onto to say that some infertility experts claim stress does not cause infertility, but in fact, infertility causes stress. It then postulates that this is no longer accurate, given the latest study on stress and infertility. Referring to stress and infertility, the article states, "Now researchers suggest that the two conditions may indeed be linked."
Except that's not exactly true.
What the latest study does say is that acute stress may make it less likely to get pregnant - at least during the first cycle.
The study from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development involved tracking approximately 270 couples, who had just begun trying to conceive, between the ages of 18 and 40. They analyzed their salvia (their spit) during the fertile window, looking for biological markers of stress.
They found that higher levels of the enzyme alpha-amylase, a marker for stress, correlated with a decrease in the couple's pregnancy rate during the first cycle of the study.
The article at the New York Times says the study showed this decrease occurred "each month". Except, what the research actually found was that during the first cycle of the study, this stress related enzyme seemed to be linked to a lower likelihood of pregnancy. But, when researchers looked at all the months from the study combined, there was no statistically significant difference.
In other words, when looking at the big picture, this stress enzyme did not lead to trouble getting pregnant.
Also, as an interesting aside, the study found that higher levels of cortisol - another stress related hormone - seemed to be linked to higher rates of pregnancy overall. Cortisol levels may be higher in those who experience long term stress, while alpha-amylase is related to acute, short term stress. (The difference between having an extremely stressful life, as opposed to an extremely stressful day or week.)
However, the article was not titled "Long Term Stress Boosts Pregnancy Success."
Which I find interesting... because if we're going to be fair, and we're going to conclude that stress causes infertility based on only the first cycle's data, wouldn't it make sense to take the data as a whole and conclude that long term stress is good for fertility?
Now to be clear, I'm not arguing against the incorporation of stress reduction as a part of infertility treatment. And I'm not saying that stress does not reduce fertility in some way.
In fact, I think fertility clinics should provide clients with stress reduction services, and when the insurance companies start covering fertility treatment (which they should do since infertility is a disease), I think the stress reduction services should be covered. Not just as a way of boosting success rates, but also to lower depression and anxiety.
What I am pointing out is that this particular study did not find that stress causes infertility, despite The New York Times headline.
Infertility is defined as the inability to get pregnant after one year of trying - not the inability to get pregnant after one month.
Thoughts? Please share them in the comments below!
View the original article here
Conception Action Pack
The Conception Action Pack Is A Personalized Conception Blueprint To Assist Women Wanting To Get Pregnant.
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Get pregnant
Ways to get pregnant easily, avoiding the extensive cost of Ivf treatment. This e-book really helps people get what they want. Get the baby you want now.
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Saturday, 9 October 2010
Becoming Pregnant- Overcome Infertility the Natural Way
Dr Irina Webster latest revolutionary book now released "Increase Your Fertility Naturally" is helping many to achieve pregnancy using her non-intrusive natural methods for women all over the world. Now you can get her both books for the price of one.
Check it out!
Become Pregnant
Become Pregnant. I Thought I Was Infertile Now I Have 2 Beautiful Children, Naturally Conceived. You Can Too.
Check it out!
Friday, 8 October 2010
BMV Quantum Subliminal CD Have a Baby Boy: Male Baby Gender Selection Aid (Ultrasonic Fertility Series)
Create results using state-of-the-art subliminal and brainwave entrainment technologies. Tune your brainwaves to specific frequencies by listening to this CD! Program your subconscious mind for positive lasting results, created by a Certified Hypnotherapist and NLP Practitioner (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). Silent affirmations, inaudible hypnotic suggestions and thousands of powerful subliminal messages program your subconscious mind for positive results.
The first 3 tracks have an ocean background. The Silent Ultrasonic Track 4 is completely silent with no sound at all! BMV exclusive Quantum Subliminal Matrix Technology sets a new standard for the subliminal industry! BMV has merged existing subliminal neurotechnology with many new exclusive techniques to create the most powerful CDs on the market. This CD contains the following audio neurotechnologies to maximize your results: Ultra-Silent Ultrasonic Subliminal Frequency Modulation Technology- All subliminal messages are modulated to ultrasonic ranges (higher frequencies) for full meta-programming with no audible sounds at all on Track 4! You can use these powerful silent subliminals in any setting! Program yourself anywhere, anytime!
Multi-channel Subliminal Replication Technology-100 times more subliminal messages makes it 100 times more powerful than other subliminal tapes or CDs. Autonomic Audio Pacing Technology-Relaxed heartbeat and breathing patterns cause physiological responses that trigger deep progressive relaxation to maximize results. Brainwave Entrainment Technology- Embedded binaural beat frequencies and monaural tones create hemispheric synchronization while tuning your brainwaves to specific frequencies that are most effective for subliminal programming. Monaural entrainment tones- No need for headphones!
Click here to buy from Amazon
The Fertility Journal: A Day-to-Day Guide to Getting Pregnant
It explains what you need to do to help prepare for pregnancy and reviews the basic facts of fertility. Plus, it offers helpful tips on health, exercise, relationships, sex, and nutrition. There's space to record daily statistics to help predict ovulation and a special section on assisted reproductive technologies with a monthly tracker for in vitro fertilization and similar procedures.
An indispensible tool for creating a family, The Fertility Journal offers plenty of space to record all the thoughts and feelings that go along with this exciting and emotional time.
Price: $19.95
Click here to buy from Amazon
Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor Test Sticks, 30-Count Box
Price: $49.99
Click here to buy from Amazon
Patchouly - Sun's Eye Pure Oils - 1/2 Ounce Bottle
1/2 ounce bottle of high quality Sun's Eye Pure Oils™ brand oil. Combining the pure scent of a distilled extract with the convenience and staying power of a body grade oil, Sun's Eye Pure oils offer exceptional quality and value. Unlike distilled single extract oils, this oil can be used directly on the skin. They are also ready for use in aroma lamps or rings, diffusers, bath water, sprinkled over incense charcoal, etc. (Always test a very small amount of any oil for any reaction first. of traditional knowledge has existed about the use of herbs to attract and extend vibrational qualities. Sun's Eye Pure Oils™ are fine, multi purposed, fragrance oils made from herbs, flowers, woods, spices, resins, leaves and essential oils.
Sun's Eye Oils are made from aromatic herbs, blossoms, leaves, spices, woods, resins and essential oils. When a carrier base is required, soybean is used. They do not use animal products or animal testing. Their musk oils are all derived from herbs. Formulary oils are hand-blended, appropriate to the lunar cycles and other planetary influences.
The picture is representative and may not exactly match the scent of oil. No claims to suitability for any particular purpose are made or should be inferred.
Click here to buy from Amazon
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Restoring Fertility by Drs. Brandon Horn, PhD, LAc (FABORM) and Wendy Yu PhD(c), LAc (FABORM)
The four sets in this DVD have been uniquely designed, integrating yoga poses with acupuncture channels, to optimize each of the four phases of the reproductive cycle (menstrual, follicular, ovulatory and luteal). The result is a powerful tool to optimize and restore your fertility. This series comes highly recommended by prominent gynecologists and fertility specialists.
"This is a revolutionary approach in fertility support based on a thorough understanding of reproductive medicine ... these sets should be considered as a part of any fertility treatment" - Dr. Rudy Quintero, MD (FACOG), Medical Director of California's Advanced Reproductive Endocrinology.
Price: $39.95
Click here to buy from Amazon
Meditations for a Fertile Soul (Improve Fertility)
With each cycle failure, you begin to transfer those negative results to yourself. The INFERTILE label sticks and feels as if it could be nothing but true. With that label, hope retreats and you find yourself closing up as you try harder each month and you find it more and more difficult to do anything but focus on the fact that there is no baby.
This CD is designed to help you to remember that you ARE fertile. Your body naturally knows what to do; by rediscovering hope, peace, calm, and openness you will help restore balance in your body and your fertility.
Price: $29.95
Click here to buy from Amazon
Rose Geranium - Sun's Eye 'Pure' Oils - Half Ounce Bottle
1/2 ounce bottle of high quality Sun's Eye brand oil. Please note that this is a blended oil with a 'pure' fragrance, not an essential extracted oil.
For centuries, a body of traditional knowledge has existed about the use of herbs to attract and extend vibrational qualities.?? Sun's Eye "Pure Oils" are fine, multi purposed, fragrance oils made from herbs, flowers, woods, spices, resins, leaves and essential oils.??
Sun's Eye Oils are made from aromatic herbs, blossoms, leaves, spices, woods, resins and essential oils. When a carrier base is required, soybean is used. They do not use animal products or animal testing. Their musk oils are all derived from herbs. Formulary oils are hand-blended, appropriate to the lunar cycles and other planetary influences.
The picture is representative and may not exactly match the scent of oil. No claims to suitability for any particular purpose are made or should be inferred.
Click here to buy from Amazon
Yoga 4 Fertility [VHS]
This Fertility Yoga program is a restorative and therapeutic yoga exercise practice for all levels. In this easy-to-follow 50 minute therapeutic yoga practice, Monica leads you through a series of yoga poses (asanas) which will tap into your potential for fertility wellness. Follow Monica along as she takes you through a series of poses that will give you renewed strength and confidence and will help you reach new levels of inner trust, calm, and focus.
Two levels of modifications are offered throughout the practice to suit your specific needs.
Fertility yoga integrates stretching movements with breathing. It is a therapeutic sequence of breath and movement specifically focused on the reproductive and hormonal system. Many of the poses will open up and revitalize the energy to a woman's reproductive area and hormonal system.
What we learn on the yoga mat can help us in all areas of our lives. While this practice can help you with your journey toward motherhood, it can also help you with the quality of your overall life. These days it takes a village to have a child so come join the spirited practice of fertility yoga and learn what hundreds of women already have about the therapeutic power of this inspiring fertility yoga program.
Price: $19.98
Click here to buy from Amazon
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
There's No Place Like Home Fertility Formula, Alcohol Free
5 Ways to Take Charge of Your Fertility
1. Educate Yourself and Ask Questions
The first key to taking charge of your fertility is to educate yourself. Learn all that you can about your body, how the menstrual cycle works, when ovulation occurs, etc. Also if you have a fertility issue learn all that you can about the imbalance and what your options are.
Another way to learn as much as you can is to ask questions. If you are working with a health care practitioner ask them questions if you don’t understand something. Know what every option they give you entails and what the risks/benefits are. Because ultimately you are the one who makes the final decision and decisions are easiest when you have as much information as you can get.
To make sure all of your questions get answered, let your /doctor practitioner know before the consultation that you will need some time set aside as you will have some questions. Come with questions written down that you currently have write down additional ones during the consultation. If you do not have access to a natural practitioner near you, you can book an online email fertility consultation with one of our herbalists who can help you with natural fertility questions and suggestions.
2. Get Testing Done
If you have been trying to get pregnant for over a year and still no success, testing would be the next step. Testing will help you to pinpoint why an issues there may be so you can start doing something about them. There are many different types of tests that can be done, this list is by no means exhaustive but here are some of the most common. Not all of these tests are needed for everyone. Ask your doctor which ones to start with or which tests may apply to you. :
Hormonal Testing – Testing the hormones to see where your progesterone, estrogen, testosterone levels are at can help to give you in-site to why many women can not get pregnant or sustain a pregnancy. One of the most common fertility issues we see regularly is low progesterone or some type of hormonal imbalance. Herbs and natural therapies have been very successful in helping to correct a hormonal imbalance.
Sperm Testing – Low sperm counts or sperm anomalies can also prevent pregnancy from occurring. Getting a semen analysis is one of the easiest and fastest fertility tests available. There are many male fertility supplements and herbs that can be used to help the body produce healthier sperm as well as increase the counts if it is determined the counts are low.
Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) – This is a test done to see if the fallopian tubes are blocked. A small amount of dye is injected into the fallopian tubes through the cervix. An x-ray is then used to see if the dye flows freely through the tubes or if there are nay blockages. Depending on how bad the damage is and where the blockages are located natural therapies have successfully been used to help dissolve and break down adhesion’s found in the fallopian tubes.
Nutritional Profile Testing – Testing for nutritional deficiencies can be helpful in creating a diet and nutrition program that is specific to your body and needs. Many nutritional deficiencies can cause fertility imbalances like lack of ovulation or menses.
Ask your doctor about all of your testing options as there are many.
3. Eat Right for Fertility
One of the first things we work on with every single one of our clients is their diet. Everything you eat and drink as well as the things you avoid can have a big impact on your fertility. Nutrition is what builds, fuels and runs our cells. YOU are the only one who chooses what goes into your body and what you avoid. The power in taking charge of your fertility is also taking responsibility for your choices and making the best choices you can every day.
To learn how to eat a healthy diet for fertility click here or join our 21 Day Fertility Diet Challenge.
4. Take a Step Everyday
There are many things you can do naturally and inexpensively that can help you to boost your fertility. One of the best ways to take charge of your fertility is to do something everyday for your fertility. Whether that is drinking a fertility smoothie, doing a fertility cleanse, applying Self Fertility Massage or using herbs, take a step everyday towards supporting your reproductive system. The key I have found to success in anything you wish to accomplish is to keep moving forward, step by step.
5. Know Your Cycle and Body
A really important component to fertility is knowing and tracking your fertility cycle. One of the easiest ways to do that is to fertility chart. It only takes one minute every morning to take your temperature upon rising and write it into a chart. After the first cycle you will begin to see a pattern and learn the length of your cycle. You can learn more about fertility charting here…
Here are some things to know about your body which will tell you a lot about your fertility health:
What color is your menstruation?Is it thick, does it flow?Do you ovulate? How do you know this?Is your cervical mucous the correct consistency?Do you get PMS?How do you feel after you eat certain foods?Do you drink enough water?Do you feel rested everyday after you wake?Do you feel constantly stressed?
When you know your body and what your cycle is like you can then know which herbs or therapies to look into. You may find this herbal guide to menstrual help useful at that point.
Not only will taking charge of your fertility make the journey more enjoyable, it will also improve your success rates. Please share with us some ways you have taken charge of your fertility today?
View the original article here
The Beginners Guide to Natural Fertility – A Guided Tour
To help you through the tons of natural fertility information within this site, I have created a beginner’s guide. Think of it as a Fertility Quick Start Guide.
You do not need to try to read through all of this material at once. There are hundreds of pages of content available (almost 1,000 actually). Read what you see as most relevant to you and your situation.
Where do you start when there is so much information to read through? You start with the most popular. Here you go:
Most Popular Posts
1. Prepare for Conception with a Fertility Cleanse
2. How to Get Your Period Back
3. Increase Your Egg Health in 90 Days
4. The Fertility Diet
5. Royal Jelly, Fertility Super Food
6. How to Use Self Fertility Massage to Boost Your Chances of Conception
7. How to Increase Low Sperm Count and Improve Male Fertility
8. 5 Steps to Preventing Another Miscarriage
9. FSH Levels and Your Fertility
10. Increase IVF Success Rate Naturally
Browse the Archives
Another way to find the information you are looking for is to take a look through the Fertility Blog Archives.
Next you’ll want to look into some of your favorite topics:
Fertility Cleanse
How to Prepare for Conception with a Fertility Cleanse (you can download the free guide through this page)Interview with Hethir Rodriguez: Preparing For Conception With Fertility Cleansing And Self Fertility MassageMen, Should You Also Prepare for Conception?…Fertility Cleansing for MenNatural Fertility Cleanse ResourcesNatural Fertility Cleanse Forums
Fertility Diet
The Natural Fertility Diet GuideDo You Know How to Eat for Fertility? Here are My Top 10 Fertility Diet Tips… Fertility Smoothies – A Fun and Delicious Way to Boost Your FertilityThe 21 Day Fertility Diet Challenge
Fertility Herbs
Maca, Wonder Herb For Fertility…Vitex… Fertility Super Herb?Dong Quai: Uterine Tonic and Fertility Herb….Tribulus Terrestris: Fertility Herb for Both Men and Women…
Here are a list of my top 5 favorite guides (that were not mentioned in the top 10 most popular posts):
Hethir’s Top 5 Favorite Guides
1. Progesterone Fertility Guide
2. Castor Oil Therapy for Reproductive Health
3. How to Use Fertility Enzyme Therapy to Increase Your Fertility…
4. Reduce Stress and Enhance your Fertility with EFT…
5. Fertility Smoothies – A Fun and Delicious Way to Boost Your Fertility
Maybe you are tired of reading and would prefer to watch videos, check out the top 10 the natural fertility videos available:
Natural Fertility Videos
1. Self Fertility Massage
2. How to Use a Castor Oil Pack
3. Maca – Fertility Superfood
4. How to Increase Your Egg Health
5. Fertility Smoothie #1
6. Fertility Cleansing
7. Fertility Superfood Royal Jelly
8. The Natural Fertility Diet
9. Fertility Herb: Vitex
10. Inspirational Fertility Cleanse Testimonial
To help you on your journey to motherhood, I have created some great resources and community to keep you connected, empowered and supported:
Awesome Natural Fertility Resources
Natural Fertility ShopNatural Fertility Forums21 Day Fertility Diet ChallengeThe Natural Fertility Coach (coaching videos and interviews)
About Hethir
You might want to know more about Hethir, the woman who created this site… here is the short story: I’m married (8 years now), live and work internationally and nomadically, am a herbalist, massage therapist, doula and holistic nutritionist. I started Natural Fertility after experiencing two of my own miscarriages and getting frustrated from the lack of information and support for natural ways to a healthy pregnancy. I love to run, write, eat whole foods and spend as much time as I can in nature.
Also, this site would not be possible without the team we have behind the scenes. I am especially grateful to Dalene who helps with the tons of questions and comments we get each week and soooo much more as well as my husband Jason who heads customer service and shipping. It is a blessing to share so much time with two of the people I love the most!
If that was not enough here is more:
About Hethir
Interviews with Hethir: You can find them all located here…
To make sure you get all new posts as they come out, subscribe via RSS or to our Fertility Tips eNewsletter. Box is located in the upper left of the website.
View the original article here
Can a PCOS Diet Help You Get Pregnant?
Other PCOS diet programs encourage you to eat all raw foods, or take on a vegan diet. A few PCOS diet programs seem like many different ideas all mixed together.
However, one thing all these PCOS diet programs have in common is the promise they make -- keep our diet, and you'll get pregnant.
Is it true?
Well, it's complicated. Read up on the current research in this article, so you can make an informed decision:
View the original article here
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Is Infertility a Disease or a "Lifestyle Choice"?
I think it's great that Quebec will be recognizing that infertility is a disease worthy of medical treatment. I'm not going to talk or debate about what services should or should not be provided by the government, nor discuss whether all the details of Quebec's program are good for fertility patients or the public in general. I don't even know enough about the program to really talk about it.
What I do want to talk about is Margaret Wente's editorial point, where she implies infertility is a lifestyle choice (and therefore is not a disease). Her argument? Since there are couples who choose not to have children, not having the ability to have children makes infertility a lifestyle.
Really? Seriously?
There are people who choose to never have sex, priests for example. Therefore, is impotence a lifestyle choice?
There are also some monks who take a vow of silence. I guess those who are deaf and are unable to vocalize are making a lifestyle choice.
While some people choose not to use the part of their brain that generates the feeling of empathy, I don't think anyone would consider that the same as someone who cannot experience empathy due to a brain injury or neurological disorder.
Infertility is not in any way a lifestyle choice. In fact, by definition, it can't be. Because those who are living with infertility do not have a choice to make. They want children and cannot have them. The choice has been made for them.
Plus, with the exception of age related infertility, when a couple cannot get pregnant, it's linked to something going wrong with the body. Sometimes it's ovulation that has gone wrong, other times it's blocked fallopian tubes or endometriosis. About half the time it's low or no sperm production.
In other words, the reproductive system is not healthy. There is disease. It's not normal.
And even with age related infertility, since when do we sit back and just let nature take its course when we have the ability to do something? I don't hear many 50 year olds refusing basic medical treatment, since once-upon-a-time, that was life expectancy. "Oh, it's just the natural aging process. Don't treat me. Time to die."
Of course, it doesn't help in great Infertility Disease Debate when someone from the "inside" says something stupid.
I'm referring to Dr. Sherman Silber's comment in a Newsweek article on the cost of IVF. He is quoted as saying, "It's hard to call infertility a disease. It's normal aging."
The article then goes on to state, "A complicating factor, according to St. Luke's Silber, is that up to 80 percent of infertility cases are caused simply by increasing maternal age."
I'd love to see where that statistics came from. How can 80% of infertility cases be linked to aging when almost 50% are related to male infertility? While men do experience some fertility decline with age, it's not as drastic as with women.
Plus, according to a fact sheet provided by the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, 25% of infertility cases are linked to ovulation problems, while 35% of infertility are connected to blocked tubes or other structural problems. (Psst... age related infertility is mainly an ovulation problem. I think the American Society of Reproductive Medicine would disagree with Dr. Silber's statistic.)
But, on the other hand, what else can we expect from a doctor who's made his name known by pushing egg and ovarian tissue freezing as a method of extending fertility for women. The more people who think age is the key factor to infertility, the better for his business.
One last thought.
The online Merriam-Webster dictionary defines disease as "a condition of the living animal or plant body or of one of its parts that impairs normal functioning and is typically manifested by distinguishing signs and symptoms."
Infertility is abnormal functioning of the reproductive system. Infertility has signs and symptoms.
Not referring to infertility as a disease has nothing to do with medicine. It's pure politics.
What are your thoughts? Do you think infertility is a disease? Or a lifestyle choice? Please share your thoughts in the comments below, I'd love to hear from you!
View the original article here
Stories of Becoming an Egg Donor, Stories of Becoming an Egg Donor Recipient
But these stories represent the extremes. The vast majority of egg donors and egg donor recipients have less dramatic - but just as important - stories to tell. It's important that their stories are also heard, by those considering egg donation, and by the general public.
Have you used IVF with an egg donor? Have you become an egg donor yourself? Please share your story with us. Your story will then appear on our site, so others can read about the less dramatized side of egg donation. Real stories, real people, real families.
And to be clear - I want to hear your story whether you had a good or bad experience, whether you'd do it again or never recommend it.
Share your story here:
While we're talking about egg donation, I think this is a good time to mention a wonderful website that supports women who choose to use an egg donor: Parents Via Egg Donation This site offers tons of information on the egg donation process, as well as forums where you can talk to women who are also considering or already using an egg donor.
Know of another good support site for women using an egg donor, or women considering becoming an egg donor? Feel free to leave a comment with your suggestion! (Just be sure it's not an advertisement for a particular clinic or agency. Those will be deleted.)
PS. Don't forget to share your story of becoming an egg donor or using IVF with an egg donor!